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InfusionSoft by Keap KPI Dashboard Software

Infusionsoft by Keap
Dashboard and Reporting Software

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Infusionsoft is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that combines CRM, email marketing, and e-commerce tools, ideal for small businesses. It streamlines marketing campaigns, sales processes, and customer management through automation, helping businesses grow and scale effectively.

Build an InfusionSoft dashboard with Databox

InfusionSoft by Keap is a cloud-based sales and marketing solution that offers marketing automation, CRM, and ecommerce functionality to small businesses. 

Before your automation program can be “set it and forget it”, you first need to track user/subscriber behavior and analyze the data to know where the opportunities are. With Databox, you can track your InfusionSoft metrics alongside metrics from other tools your team is using to create more comprehensive dashboards and reports that tell the whole story. 

Get started in minutes. Connect your InfusionSoft by Keap account and choose from any of the metrics below to create a new dashboard or add to an existing one. Looking for the easiest way to get set up? We recommend downloading any of the free dashboard templates below that are pre-built with popular metrics and visualizations––no design or coding needed.

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        • Category
          Marketing Automation Email Marketing
        • Description
          Infusionsoft is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that combines CRM, email marketing, and e-commerce tools, ideal for small businesses. It streamlines marketing campaigns, sales processes, and customer management through automation, helping businesses grow and scale effectively.
        • Status
        • Date added

        API Details

        Metric Builder

        • Metric builder available
        • Metric availability based on the Keap product

          The availability of certain Infusionsoft metrics may vary depending on whether you are using Keap Max Classic or Keap. This is because some features are either not yet available in Keap or are not backwards-compatible with Max Classic.

          If you notice missing values for certain metrics in Databox, it likely means that those metrics are not available in the user interface that you are using. You can use this guideline to check differences between Keap and the old InfusionSoft, including data compatibility.

        • Infusionsoft by Keap metrics specifications

          Inverted metrics (metrics where a low value indicates positive development and a high value indicates negative development):

          Unpaid Orders
          Unpaid Orders by Product
          Unpaid Orders by Type
          Unpaid Orders Amount
          Unpaid Orders Amount by Product
          Unpaid Orders Amount by Type

          ‘No reset’ metrics (metrics that are not reset to value 0 with every new day):

          Total Contacts
          Total Companies
          Total Orders
          Total Campaigns
          Total Opportunities

          Non-Aggregatable metrics (due to the nature of these metrics, summing daily/weekly/monthly values will not give correct results for longer time periods):

          Total Orders
          Total Opportunities
          Total Contacts
          Total Campaigns
          Total Companies

        • Historical data availability for Infusionsoft by Keap metrics

          In order for data to be synced for a metric in Databox, that metric needs to be used somewhere in the Databox account – like on a Databoard or on the My Metrics page. When an Infusionsoft metric is first used in Databox, the maximum amount of historical data available is 36 months.

          Certain metrics may have more or less historical data available. Metrics that represent the total metric value have no historical data available when first used. For these metrics, Databox pulls in the total current value, but Databox does accumulate historical data for these metrics over time. The metric value will be shown cumulatively.

          The following Infusionsoft metrics have no historical data:

          Total Campaigns
          Total Contacts
          Total Companies
          Total Orders
          Total Opportunities

          None of the Infusionsoft metrics support future data.

        • Available granularities for Infusionsoft by Keap metrics

          The following granularities are available in Databox for Infusionsoft by Keap metrics: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.

          Hourly and Quarterly granularities are not supported. This may affect visualization options for Charts in Databox (e.g. viewing Today’s data by hour or viewing This Year’s data by quarter will not show data on the chart).

        • API Rate Limits for Infusionsoft by Keap

          The API rate limits are set to a total of 150,000 API calls per day (1,500 calls per minute) across all Infusionsoft applications you are sending data to (including Databox). This daily quota resets at 12:00 AM UTC each day.

          If the API rate limit is hit, the syncing of data cannot be performed until the limits resets.

        • Infusionsoft by Keap Data Source is disconnected with error ‘Invalid Refresh Token’

          Infusionsoft by Keap Data Source may get disconnected in Databox with the error message ‘Invalid Refresh Token. Your Infusionsoft refresh token is invalid. Please reconnect your Infusionsoft source to get a new refresh token.’

          The Data Source will disconnect when Infusionsoft invalidates the refresh token. When this occurs, the Data Source connection cannot work properly and Databox cannot fetch new data with an outdated access token. To resolve this, the Data Source must be reauthorized (reconnected) in Databox to obtain a new access token and a valid refresh token.

        Track all of your key business metrics from one screen

        Databox app preview