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Integrate CallRail with #1 Business Analytics Platform

Dashboard and Reporting Software

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CallRail is a call tracking and analytics platform that helps businesses understand their phone call interactions from various marketing campaigns, providing valuable insights to optimize marketing strategies and improve sales performance.

Call analytics for data-driven Marketers to make more informed advertising decisions.

CallRail tracks calls from both online and offline campaigns: paid search, digital advertising, direct mail, print, radio, TV, and more.

With Databox, your most important CallRail KPIs will be transformed into meaningful insights and delivered to your mobile, Apple Watch, TV display or Slack channels. One of the key benefits of Databox is the ability to combine multiple data sources in one place. Be on top of the call conversion, take actions, remain organized and stay in control of your lead generation process.

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dashboard templates8

  • Live view

    LinkedIn Company Pages Overview

    LinkedIn Company pages dashboard template provides you with insights about followers growth, reach, engagement and more.

    LinkedIn Company Pages
  • Live view

    Social Networks (Growth & Engagement)

    The Social Networks dashboard template integrates Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram data. It shows daily traffic across the 4 networks and tracks follower counts..

    LinkedIn Company PagesX (Twitter)Instagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    LinkedIn Page Demographics Overview

    Linkedin Demographics dashboard template looks at the followers on your company's Linkedin. It lets you know what industries and roles have enjoyed your marketing message.

    LinkedIn Company Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media Overview

    Facebook Pages, Instagram Business, Linkedin Company Pages, Twitter overview

    X (Twitter)YouTubeLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media (Awareness & Engagement)

    Social Media dashboard template shows activity across your 4 favorite social networks. It focuses on visitor and follower counts over various time periods.

    LinkedIn Company PagesHubSpot MarketingX (Twitter)Instagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Inbound Social Media Performance

    Inbound Social Media Performance

    X (Twitter)HubSpot MarketingLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media Performance

    This template is perfect for clients who want a general overview of their social media performance without getting into too much detail. This will summarize how their brand is doing within the social community.

    X (Twitter)WistiaLinkedIn Company PagesFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    HubSpot Marketing + GA4 ATTRACT Performance

    This template moves you through the Attract stage by showing your social media follows and reach, blog view performance, and overall visibility trends.

    X (Twitter)HubSpot MarketingSEMrushLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook PagesGoogle Analytics 4


  • Category
    Customer Support
  • Description
    CallRail is a call tracking and analytics platform that helps businesses understand their phone call interactions from various marketing campaigns, providing valuable insights to optimize marketing strategies and improve sales performance.
  • Status
  • Date added
  • Time Zone

API Details

Metric Builder

  • Metric builder available
  • Tabs
    Calls Form submissions
  • What kind of Lead types are available via API from the Lead Attribution Report in CallRail?

    Only Qualified leads are available to retrieve from CallRail API. There is no parameter available to filter out leads by type. Due to this limitation, only Qualified leads will be visible in Databox. Raw Leads will not be visible.

  • Limitation of ‘All Time’ Date Range for CallRail Metrics

    Due to technical limitations, the Date Range ‘All Time’ will return a maximum of 36 months of historical data for all CallRail Metrics.

  • Data discrepancies for CallRail Metrics due to CallRail API rate limits

    CallRail API limits the number of requests to the API made by an account on an hourly and daily basis. Hitting these rate limits can result in missing data for CallRail metrics in Databox, in metrics not syncing regularly and also in error messages denoting that daily or hourly rate limits have been hit.

    The default rate limits for API requests are:

    • 1,000 requests per hour
    • 10,000 requests per day

    In case the default rate limits are exceeded, the sync frequency for the CallRail Data Source in Databox can be reduced. The sync frequency can be changed following these steps.
    An additional step that the CallRail account owner can take is to reach out to CallRail Support and request to have the default rate limits increased.

Track all of your key business metrics from one screen

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