DataboxDatabox Databox KPI Dashboard Software

Dashboard and Reporting Software

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Outreach is a proactive approach to connecting with individuals or groups, typically for a specific purpose, such as education, support, or promotion, aimed at increasing engagement, spreading awareness, and fostering meaningful interactions.

Track the progress of your sales prospecting efforts. is a leading sales engagement platform, helping sales  teams personalize, prioritize and analyze sales activities. With sales sequences, sales dialer software and sales email tracking, sales teams can orchestrate multi-touchpoint prospecting campaigns across email, voice and  social.

With Databox, track your most important prospecting metrics alongside performance data from your other important marketing and sales tools. Connect your Outreach account to build custom reporting dashboards and instantly monitor it all on any device: computer, mobile, Apple Watch, TV display, and Slack.

Get started in minutes by using one of our templates below, or by adding any of the metrics listed below to a dashboard of your own design.

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dashboard templates8

  • Live view

    LinkedIn Company Pages Overview

    LinkedIn Company pages dashboard template provides you with insights about followers growth, reach, engagement and more.

    LinkedIn Company Pages
  • Live view

    Social Networks (Growth & Engagement)

    The Social Networks dashboard template integrates Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram data. It shows daily traffic across the 4 networks and tracks follower counts..

    LinkedIn Company PagesX (Twitter)Instagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    LinkedIn Page Demographics Overview

    Linkedin Demographics dashboard template looks at the followers on your company's Linkedin. It lets you know what industries and roles have enjoyed your marketing message.

    LinkedIn Company Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media Overview

    Facebook Pages, Instagram Business, Linkedin Company Pages, Twitter overview

    X (Twitter)YouTubeLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media (Awareness & Engagement)

    Social Media dashboard template shows activity across your 4 favorite social networks. It focuses on visitor and follower counts over various time periods.

    LinkedIn Company PagesHubSpot MarketingX (Twitter)Instagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Inbound Social Media Performance

    Inbound Social Media Performance

    X (Twitter)HubSpot MarketingLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media Performance

    This template is perfect for clients who want a general overview of their social media performance without getting into too much detail. This will summarize how their brand is doing within the social community.

    X (Twitter)WistiaLinkedIn Company PagesFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    HubSpot Marketing + GA4 ATTRACT Performance

    This template moves you through the Attract stage by showing your social media follows and reach, blog view performance, and overall visibility trends.

    X (Twitter)HubSpot MarketingSEMrushLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook PagesGoogle Analytics 4


  • Category
    CRM Marketing Automation
  • Description
    Outreach is a proactive approach to connecting with individuals or groups, typically for a specific purpose, such as education, support, or promotion, aimed at increasing engagement, spreading awareness, and fostering meaningful interactions.
  • Status
  • Date added

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Metric Builder

  • Metric builder available

Track all of your key business metrics from one screen

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