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Google Business Profile KPI Dashboard Software

Google Business Profile
Dashboard and Reporting Software

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Google Business Profile is a free tool by Google that allows businesses to manage their online presence, including business information, reviews, and photos. As an integration with Databox, it enables businesses to track and analyze their Google Business Profile data, gain insights into customer engagement, monitor reviews, and measure the impact of their online listings on overall performance.

Create a profile and engage prospects for free on the world’s most popular search engine.

Google Business Profile is a free tool that lets you manage your business profile. Monitor and reply to customer reviews left on Google; engage customers via calling and messaging, and discover how and where people are searching for you.

Using Databox, you can track your most important Google Business Profile KPIs alongside metrics from other tools and monitor it on any device: computer, mobile, Apple Watch, TV display, and Slack. By building reporting dashboards with data from Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Business Profile, you can more easily monitor and maximize your business’s value from Google.

  • Metrics & Templates
  • Tech details
  • Behaviour & usage
  • Help Articles


dashboard templates1

  • Live view

    HelpScout Docs Report

    Help Scout dashboard template which will give you insights about article views, failed searches, top categories, top articles and more.

    Help Scout Docs


  • Category
  • Description
    Google Business Profile is a free tool by Google that allows businesses to manage their online presence, including business information, reviews, and photos. As an integration with Databox, it enables businesses to track and analyze their Google Business Profile data, gain insights into customer engagement, monitor reviews, and measure the impact of their online listings on overall performance.
  • Status
  • Date added
  • Time Zone

Metric Builder

  • Metric builder available
  • Some Metrics are not syncing data for Google My Business Data Source in Databox

    If no data is being synced for some Google My Business metrics in Databox, it is likely that the incorrect Google My Business location is connected in Databox. The owner (or user) of the Google My Business account needs to check the Location ID from Google My Business and then verify that the same Location ID was used to connect the Google My Business Data Source in Databox.
    Google Support information on where to find the Location ID:

  • No data for metrics ‘Searches by Keyword’ and ‘Searches’ for values below number 15

    The Google My Business API is not returning any values via API for metrics ‘Searches by Keyword’ and ‘Searches’ when they are below the threshold value of 15 for any Keyword dimension. In Google My Business User Interface, such values will be displayed as ‘<15’, which means the value is below the given threshold. Databox will not show any values in such scenarios due to the API limitation.

  • Missing Locations or unable to find Locations while connecting the Google My Business Data Source

    If the Google My Business Account is of Account Type PERSONAL, only Locations that are directly owned by the Account are returned via the API. For other Account Types the API will provide all accessible locations from the Account, either directly or indirectly. Relevant Google documentation is available here.

    In such cases, Databox suggests, if possible, to change the Google My Business account type to any other than ‘Personal’ in order to see more locations. No other workarounds are possible currently.

  • Is one location in Google My Business account one Data Source in Databox?

    Yes. If the Google My Business account is used as a group business account to manage different locations for one brand, each location must be added as a separate Data Source connection in Databox. More info is available here.

  • Data for Today and Yesterday is not available in Databox for the Google My Business Metrics

    Google My Business data is not available for the ‘Today’ and ‘Yesterday’ Date Ranges. If these Date Ranges are selected or if the time periods of today and/or yesterday are included in the set Date Range for Google My Business metrics, data will not be available for the most recent two days.
    Additionally, due to Google My Business API limitation on data update delays, sometimes data in Databox might be updated with a delay of up to 7 days. When this occurs, a drop in metric values will be visible on charts in Databox.
    More information on data syncing delays for Google My Business metrics in Databox is available here.

Track all of your key business metrics from one screen

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