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Connect YouTube to measure how your videos perform

Dashboard and Reporting Software

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YouTube is a popular online video platform where users upload, watch, and share videos of various genres and interests, featuring a vast range of content creators, channels, and communities.

Discover which videos create the most buzz about your brand

YouTube allows you to reach an audience of 1.5 billion monthly viewers and create a following around your video content.

With the Databox integrations you can track your most important KPIs like Likes, Shares, Subscribers, Views, … In the office or on-the-go, Databox will provide you meaningful reports to help you track the success of your YouTube videos.

  • Metrics & Templates
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dashboard templates8

  • Live view

    LinkedIn Company Pages Overview

    LinkedIn Company pages dashboard template provides you with insights about followers growth, reach, engagement and more.

    LinkedIn Company Pages
  • Live view

    Social Networks (Growth & Engagement)

    The Social Networks dashboard template integrates Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram data. It shows daily traffic across the 4 networks and tracks follower counts..

    LinkedIn Company PagesX (Twitter)Instagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    LinkedIn Page Demographics Overview

    Linkedin Demographics dashboard template looks at the followers on your company's Linkedin. It lets you know what industries and roles have enjoyed your marketing message.

    LinkedIn Company Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media Overview

    Facebook Pages, Instagram Business, Linkedin Company Pages, Twitter overview

    X (Twitter)YouTubeLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media (Awareness & Engagement)

    Social Media dashboard template shows activity across your 4 favorite social networks. It focuses on visitor and follower counts over various time periods.

    LinkedIn Company PagesHubSpot MarketingX (Twitter)Instagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Inbound Social Media Performance

    Inbound Social Media Performance

    X (Twitter)HubSpot MarketingLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    Social Media Performance

    This template is perfect for clients who want a general overview of their social media performance without getting into too much detail. This will summarize how their brand is doing within the social community.

    X (Twitter)WistiaLinkedIn Company PagesFacebook Pages
  • Live view

    HubSpot Marketing + GA4 ATTRACT Performance

    This template moves you through the Attract stage by showing your social media follows and reach, blog view performance, and overall visibility trends.

    X (Twitter)HubSpot MarketingSEMrushLinkedIn Company PagesInstagram BusinessFacebook PagesGoogle Analytics 4


  • Category
    Video Marketing Social Media
  • Description
    YouTube is a popular online video platform where users upload, watch, and share videos of various genres and interests, featuring a vast range of content creators, channels, and communities.
  • Status
  • Connect notes
    Our use of information received from Google APIs complies with the Google API Services User Data Policy, including its Limited Use requirements.
  • Connect notes link
  • Date added
  • Time Zone

API Details

Metric Builder

  • Metric builder available
  • YouTube’s metrics cannot be used in Calculated metrics

    Due to YouTube’s API Terms of Service, users are not allowed to create and calculate their own derived metrics from YouTube’s API Data. Therefore, using YouTube metrics in Data Calculations is not permitted in Databox. Learn more here.

  • YouTube data for the last 2–3 days is missing in Databox

    Due to an API limitation, the YouTube Reporting API can take up to 48 hours to process reports. Therefore, data from YouTube for the most recent 2–3 days may not be synced with Databox yet.

  • Hourly granularity is not supported for YouTube metrics in Databox

    Due to API limitations, hourly granularity is not supported for YouTube metrics. This may affect visualization options for Charts in Databox. Learn more about Granularity here.

  • Comparison data for ‘previous period’ is incorrect when using ‘Last X days’ as a Date Range

    Due to an API limitation, values for ‘Today’ and ‘Yesterday’ Date Ranges are not available for YouTube metrics. Because of this limitation, when looking at ‘Last X days’ Date Range, Databox excludes today from the selected Date Range and adds one day at the start of the Date Range (e.g. when looking at data for ‘Last 30 days’, you might actually be looking at data for the last 31 days, excluding today). This is also the reason for the difference in the Date Range dates on the Databoard and in the Advanced Settings.

  • Issue with connecting YouTube channels to Databox

    When connecting YouTube Data Source to Databox, only channels owned by the authenticated user will be listed in the connection flow. Learn more about this here. So only the channel owner can connect the channel in Databox.

    In case the authenticated user does not own the channel they would like to connect, the channel owner can be invited to connect the Data Source instead. More information about this is available here.

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