Compare yourself to companies like yours

Browse benchmark data for thousands of business metrics, and apply filters like Size, Revenue, Industry, or Company Type to see how you measure up to other cohorts

Capterra logo 4.8
G2 logo 4.5
based on 1,000+ reviews

Trusted by 20,000+ growing businesses

  • Ebay
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  • Samsonite
  • Sumup
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  • Synctera

See what “good” looks like


    Compare yourself to companies like yours

    Browse benchmark data for thousands of business metrics, and apply filters like Size, Revenue, Industry, or Company Type to see how you measure up to other cohorts


    Save and monitor important benchmarks

    Track your performance against competitors over time, and keep an eye on your most important benchmarks.


    Benchmark metrics for any team, not just marketing or sales

    Our benchmark software lets you compare just about any metric from any integration in your account.


    See where you’re ahead and behind the curve

    View what the top and bottom performing companies are doing.


    Track progress month over month

    See how your performance has moved compared to the previous period.


    Compare performance on your dashboards

    View benchmark lines on dashboards so you can better visualize how your company stacks up.

See how you should be performing

View what top performing companies do, and set goals based on that.
Benchmark screen
Benchmark Yourself

Get more out of your benchmark tool

Use your benchmarks with other tools in our platform

Powerful or and accessible

We took the best tools normally found in complicated enterprise analytics platforms, and made them accessible and easy to use for growing businesses

Why Choose Databox

Customer stories

Learn how other growing businesses are using dashboards to inform decisions, create plans, and drive growth.
    Customer logo

    How EDGEY Eliminated 12 Hours of Monthly Reporting Time with Automated Dashboards

    Read story
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    How Novi Digital Improved Client Reports and Improved Their Business Tenfold

    Read story
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    How Stampede Turned Fragmented Data Into Actionable Insights

    Read story
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    How Evenbound Streamlined Reporting and Improved Client Results

    Read story

Frequently asked questions

Can I create benchmarks by country?

No. In Databox, you can explore Benchmarks across cohorts like industry, business type, number of employees, and annual revenue.

If my client asks “How do I compare with the market?”, can Databox help me answer this question?

Yes, Databox can help you answer that question. In your client account, you have the ability to create and save custom Benchmarks based on your client’s cohorts of interest, allowing you to compare their performance with similar companies.

How are benchmarks calculated?

Benchmarks are calculated on a monthly basis, using data from all contributors within the defined group. You can learn more about the mathematical calculations here.

Can I add benchmark data to my dashboard or report?

Not yet. But, we plan to introduce a Benchmark line and visualization in the future.

Is my data anonymous?

Yes, we take your privacy seriously. We pull anonymized data for each KPI directly and securely. Only accounts who have opted-in will be able to anonymously compare performance against other companies. You can opt out (or opt back in) at any time. You can learn more about our Privacy Policy here.

Can I change the date range for my benchmarks?

No, the date range for benchmarks is set to “Last Month”. This means the current value will also show the value for the last month.