Monthly Marketing Performance Dashboard Template

Template created by Databox Databox
Use this free, intuitive, and customizable Monthly Marketing Performance Dashboard Template to track key user acquisition metrics, such as visits to leads conversion rate, traffic from email vs. blogs, and so on.

Uses one-click integrations:

  • HubSpot Marketing HubSpot Marketing
  • Google Universal Analytics Google Universal Analytics

If you don’t use HubSpot Marketing or Google Universal Analytics, you can pull data from any of our 100+ one-click, native integrations or from spreadsheets, databases and other APIs.

Get this dashboard for free

What you’ll learn from this Monthly Marketing Performance Dashboard Template:

Get a full snapshot of the ways that leads find your site using data from HubSpot Marketing and Google Analytics. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Which traffic sources generate the most leads for my business? Find out which sources (direct traffic, organic & paid search, email marketing, referrals, social media, and so on) generate the most leads and website traffic for your business within a given time period. Use this data to quickly identify where your biggest opportunities are for generating quality leads and what traffic sources to focus on.
  • How do I track the number of new users to my website? Track the number of users that visited and interacted with your app, website, and so on for the first time during a chosen time period.
  • How do I track and compare traffic from email vs. blogs? Visually monitor and compare the total number of emails you sent that were opened, as well as how many times your blog post(s) were viewed, including multiple visits and page refreshes within a specified date range. Tracking your email opens and blog post views is an effective way to know if your blog content and subject lines are engaging and valuable.
  • How do I keep track of my lead generation goals month over month? Track and measure your lead generation progress against your goals daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
  • How can I tell if my marketing efforts are paying off? Measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategy by tracking your most important metrics and KPIs in real-time, such as sessions, contacts, number of leads and customers, bounce rate, page views, average session duration, and so on.

Pull additional data using our deep integration with Google Analytics.

What else can you track and visualize with our deep integration with Google Analytics? When it comes to attributing your traffic and conversions, almost anything:

  • Website traffic and conversions
  • Traffic and lead demographics
  • Social media engagement
  • Paid advertising
  • Landing page performance
  • Campaign performance using custom events

There are numerous metrics and metric combinations you can track using Google Analytics. In Databox, you can quickly visualize 100s of Google Analytics metrics in various ways.

Read more about Databox’s Google Analytics integration.

Pull additional data using our deep integration with HubSpot Marketing.

What else can you track and visualize with our deep integration with HubSpot Marketing? When it comes to traffic and conversions, almost anything:

  • Website traffic and conversions
  • Traffic and lead demographics
  • Landing page performance
  • The conversion rate(s) throughout your marketing and sales funnel(s)
  • Campaign performance using custom events
  • The conversion rate(s) throughout your marketing and sales funnel(s)
  • Campaign performance using custom events
  • Profile visits

There are many, many different metrics and metric combinations you can track using HubSpot Marketing. And in Databox, you can quickly visualize 100s of HubSpot metrics in a variety of different ways, alongside all the important metrics from other data sources you’re using.

Read more about Databox’s HubSpot Marketing integration.

HubSpot Marketing HubSpot Marketing metrics included in this template
  • New Contacts by Source

    The New Contacts by Source metric shows the number of new contacts acquired from various sources within a defined period of time, helping businesses identify their most effective lead generation channels.

  • New Customers (w/o Offline Source)

    New Customers (w/o Offline Source) is a Hubspot metric that shows the number of new customers gained through online channels, excluding any offline sources. It helps track the effectiveness of online marketing efforts and identify areas for improvement.

Google Universal Analytics Google Universal Analytics metrics included in this template
  • Pageviews

    Pageviews is a metric that measures the total number of times a page has been viewed on a website, including multiple views by the same user. It helps track website traffic and user engagement.

Customize this dashboard with Databox

Sometimes, you’ll want to dive deeper into performance. When you need to customize this template (or any other dashboard) to include different metrics, add metrics from different sources, etc., you can do so by using Databox’s Dashboard Designer.

The Designer allows you to easily drag-and-drop metrics and visualizations from any data source right into your dashboard.

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